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Specific Change color, remove background and more

Random Asian

Hello, here’s a Chinese character. Can someone please change the character to red, remove background/make transparent, and add a red square/box around the character (example of the square request also attached)


@ex_teacher - great work as always! Just for practice, tried a smoothing technique I hadn't done before and inspired by @GeneGraphics interpretation on an alternate post.
Added color - used a slightly deeper red - and saved as png with transparent background.
Learn something new every day I say! :)
I tried to keep to the original design details and hide the aliasing but I prefer the more smoothed look you present as it looks more fluid. I also like the deeper red.
I tried to keep to the original design details and hide the aliasing but I prefer the more smoothed look you present as it looks more fluid. I also like the deeper red.
Here's the process - there are probably other ways to do this but I like the way he dug into select and mask... :)

