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Specific Change angle of element


Dear all,

I've got a product image where one of the elements are not in the correct angle. The problems is shown at the sensor (2nd from the left) has the wrong angle. It is faced a bit to the left, and I cannot figure out how to turn it around, so it faces directly straight like the rest of the elements. Can anyoneedit this for me? I've uploaded the PSD, if anyone knows how to fix it.

Best regards

. Basic-alarm-system-smart-home-50M2-tyverialarm.jpg


Attempted the repair. First created a duplicate layer to work on - then turned off the original layer. Basically used content aware move and some careful cloning.
The duplicated layer is marked in red as per image below.
Also attached is the edited PSD file.
There is some uneditable distortion left in the logos but most likely you can change that as you wish.
- Jeff

Baisc-alarm-system-smart-home-50M2 edited.jpg

Worked layer in PSD file marked in red:


Here's your PSD file:

Yes I did use a different approach. I first used transformation on the layer using warp to do the major shape changes. I then used the clone tool and inverted the horizonal axis, so I could just clone the right side of senser to left. I then finished with using clone tool to center the red led. I did have issues with the bottom logo. My attempts to center did not look good, because I keep messing up the diamond mold impressions.
Thanks for the reply, Dennis!
The image change came out very well for you so your workflow did the job. I tried warp initially but just couldn't get it right - needed a more subtle hand like yours.
Thanks also for the insight about flipping the clone tool. Was unaware that's possible but just checked into it.
Learn something new here every day! :thumbsup:
- Jeff
Attempted the repair. First created a duplicate layer to work on - then turned off the original layer. Basically used content aware move and some careful cloning.
The duplicated layer is marked in red as per image below.
Also attached is the edited PSD file.
There is some uneditable distortion left in the logos but most likely you can change that as you wish.
- Jeff

View attachment 119895

Worked layer in PSD file marked in red:

View attachment 119897

Here's your PSD file:

Thank you very much for the help. Appreciate it!
