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Change a bunch of Type layers at once


Power User
Here's the scenario: You have a bunch of type layers, maybe for a navigation bar, and the're all set in boring Times New Roman. You fool around with one of them and decide that you like the Gomorrah font better. Do you have to select the Type tool, highlight the type, and change them one by one? No!

Link all your type layers that you want to change. Make sure one of the linked layers is active. Now, select the Type tool. Hold down the Shift key, change the type settings (font, size, etc). All the Type layers will change accordingly. (Do NOT highlight anything with the Type tool...just go straight to the options and change them.)
VERY cool, Gaussian! No, I didn't know this one, and I can think of lots of uses for it.
Only one comment; make sure that if you include the background layer that it's not locked ;)
Good Stuff guys! :righton:

Everyone could do with knowing those 2; and especially the Type Editing tip... that one's not general knowledge.
Thanks for the tip. That'll be a great time saver. :righton: :righton:

I'm sad that the CTRL+Backspace or ALT+Backspace trick for changing the color of the text doesn't work on several channels at a time :(

Shift+ Changing the color from the option bar does, though... ;)
now this is not a killer tip but remember it right now, how do you manipulate multiple layers at once, use an Adjustment layer, 'cause Adjustment layers affect all underneath layers :D

I love adjustment layers! And if you want the A.L. to affect some layers and not others, create a layer set.
yeah Appile Cider.
here's one i find it real useful, use the Eraser tool on the Adjustment Layer's Mask to delete the effect from unwanted ereas.

