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Cast color on a photo


Power User
I was just working taking the cast off a photo and thought maybe somebody here hadn't see this tip.
I originally got the tip from Katrin Eismann's Restoring and Retouching a fantastic book.

Anyway if you have a red cast as in the sample photo attached.

Open a picture with a color cast. with the eye dropper sample a part of the picture with the offending color cast.
Place a empty layer above the picture layer. fill the layer with the eye dropper color. convert the layer to "color mode" then invert the color.
(Ctrl + I) Reduce opacity to around 50%..(normally helps)

even easier is to open the adjustment curves layer and with the middle eyedropped click a neutral grey (inside black circle in this sample)

Each of these is a great starting point.

nice tip dont run into this much but if i ever do now i know..... and knowing is half the battle

yo joe
