Sure you could do this is Carrara Studio...
Just make a floor, a couple of walls, a ceiling, a few spline objects, a few extruded objects, a few 3D boolean ops ... add some color, lights and presto boom... one scene ready to show off...
So to answer your question, sure the componets for this scene could be modeled in Carrara, ... I suppose that it really all depends on just what you are looking for with the end results... if you were not worried about mesh/wire shots then yea, go with Carrara and do everything under one hood so to speak, however...
if you were concidering having some cool wire shots in all nice looking quads, then I would suggest another app ... pickem... and instead of boolean ops for the left side display case, and light recess' here, doing inner extrudes of multiple face selected areas to gain same effect, while still maintaining the integrity of a nice looking mesh...
Carrara's real strength is in it's ease of lighting placement, shading is ok, and it's rendering is terrific... as for modeling, well, let's just say that if one was simply looking to combine shapes together to assimilate modeling then it will do in a pinch no doubt, but...
for real modeling, as in getting down to the core of mesh manipulation, there are many apps out there which are lightyears beyond what Carrara will offer ya... even Carrara Studio 3, with it's new extrude tools, are nothing compared to many other more dedicated modeling solutions found in so many other apps...
So to sum it up, IMHO model in some other app for best and easiest results gained, but by all means don't discount Carrara for texturing lighting and rendering...
hope this helps some