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3D Cardboard Box


Retired Moderator
I know what most will think; why is he posting such a simple and common thing?

I dare you to recreate a piece of cardboard in Blender.

Also it is an exercise since I'm a novice in Blender and recreating the simplests and most common things is very rewarding and a lot more challenging then you would expect...

Cardboard Box.jpg
Looks very realistic Lambert :thumbsup:

I doubt anyone would question how much work went into this
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Looks very realistic Lambert and I for one would never question how difficult something as simple as a cardboard box could be!

Did you add the text and "fragile graphics" with Photoshop?
Thanks Ged.

It's not only the hour I spent to make the box but the fact that you observe how things are made, the view point, the light, the whole composition.
Then find the right materials to 'dress' up your subject.

I started Blender because of my fascination for the level of reality it can create, results I couldn't achieve with Photoshop 3D.
Of course I would like to make a complicated spaceship but for now I'm not ready.
Go too fast with limited knowledge and you get frustrated and eventually abandon using Blender.

I know for a fact that you followed some Blender tutorials with a very nice result but did you learn something in the process?
Therefore I practise on the simple things, again and again.

I had to do that with PS too.
You have no idea how much I used the delete button...also in Blender.

But I'll carry on at my own pace and learn in the proces.

Looks very realistic Lambert and I for one would never question how difficult something as simple as a cardboard box could be!

Did you add the text and "fragile graphics" with Photoshop?

Thanks Sam.

Guilty as charged Sam!

I had the PNG and was about to 'stick' it to the box but didn't felt like it since its a composition procedure that sometimes works for me and sometimes doesn't (too small characters to make a knife project).

I knew I could do it in PS and I did using If blend.

That's the beauty of knowing PS and Blender; they complement each other.
Go too fast with limited knowledge and you get frustrated and eventually abandon using Blender.

I know for a fact that you followed some Blender tutorials with a very nice result but did you learn something in the process?

Yep that's exactly what happened to me :thumbsup:
I just find it too frustrating at the best of times and I end up giving up to easily :shocked:
I will try again when I have more time on my hands, too much work on at the moment and my brain needs rest not frustration :bustagut:
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The torn cut fragments of cardboard at the top of the box is what fascinated me as it looked so realistic.....I honestly cant tell the difference from the real thing .... You keep at it at your own speed because what your doing is absolutely amazing work time and time again
Hey hey hey! You didn't give up PS did you?

I can't emphasise enough on the fact that you should start with the basics until you don't think about how to do it and then move on a step.

That's how I did PS and now in PS I do things on automatic pilot (for the thing I know!).

That's why I would say to all our members about PS and Blender (in my case), don't go too fast, learn to walk first and don't run.

Will I ever master PS and or Blender? Not in a million years, but at least I'll have fun in the process...(for a million years I hope :cheesygrin:)
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Thanks Pipsmom.

Thats why I ask you to do more then only photo restoration and expand to more challenging things...
Thanks Pipsmom.

Thats why I ask you to do more then only photo restoration and expand to more challenging things...

I am toying with the idea of learning another program and been thinking about it more and more seeing your work.... but I don't think I'm just ready to stop restorations just yet as I am learning so much recently, developed a new style and just starting to hit my stride. But believe you me ,when the time comes I will be pesting you endless how you do it and where to start LOL
Don't start with another program Pipsmom!

There so much to learn about PS that it would need more then a lifespan to actually earn to be a guru!
I'm not surprised how well you've done this job again Lambert.

It simply looks great, perfectly detailed...and just a little bit better than the real thing.
This is the beauty of 3D programs, not even the best camera lenses come close to a good 3D job.
I'm looking forward to any new work from you.:thumbsup:
Thanks Chris.

Of all people you know best how much work and dedication is needed to do 3D in a way it looks natural!

Remember the time we started using PS 3D and getting very exited.

I love doing 3D but I feel I just started to grasp the concept and there's so much to learn and do...
