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Can't get a template to work, please help


New Member
Hi, I recently got Photoshop CS, and have been given a template to resize my pictures in. It is just a shape with a banner across the top. I cannot work it, and can't find any info in the tutorials. Anyone have any ideas? I have tried making it a similar size before putting it in, but every time I do, it changes the shape and the banner doesn't work right.
Thanks, Framboise
Have you tried using the move tool?
To keep the proportions correct while reduing hold the shift key down, while pulling the corner handles in.
If you don't see corner handles..make sure that "show bounding box" is checked.

Hope it helps,

Welcome on board Framboise ;)

As for your problem; I wish I could help you, but right now I'm pretty clueless as what you're trying to achieve. \:/
Consider to add more details, maybe add some links, screenshots everything else that can help us to understand your problem.
Thank you. ;)
Hi, thanks for your help. I can now resize the images properly, but I still can't get the template to work. It's a certain shape, but the images I'm working with are just staying the same shape as they already are.
I'm sure it's something simple, but it's really annoying me, please help.
Thanks again, Framboise
Sorry Framboise, but without seeing the template I can't figure out what your problem is and give the proper solution. :)
