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Can't figure this one out...


New Member
I need to design laarge 750mm x 1000mm posters in PS (tiffs). The problem is, they need to be designed to size at 300dpi, but everytime I try, my text only shows on the left side of the page. Any way around this? Obviously the files are huge, but the printer says I can't shrink the size down.

Thanks [confused]
Sounds like you're having a display problem. Make sure you have the latest video drivers, latest patch to your software, and don't push things too hard when you're working. Sometimes adjusting the cache and memory settings in PS can speed things up a little.

Also working in a layout program like Illustrator or InDesign might be better than working exclusively in Photoshop since they're better able to deal with large files like that.

Good luck. Welcome to PSG. :)
Just a thought also... check to see what ZOOM ratio you're at. Try viewing @ 100% and see what the text does then.
And check the alignment selection in the context bar at the top of the work area.
i agree with the indesign route...

our company make loads of those A0 flyposters you see for concerts, dance venues...
i do all the backgrounds in PS then the text in INDESIGN.. you can have your imgae view on low quality view so it helps for pc processing.

other then that you could ask the printers if you can do them 1/2 scale twice the dpi and in PS print to PDF to keep the text vercor.
