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Canadian Connection


Hello Photoshop Gurus!

I'm Konesky, a would be entrepreneur and long time admirer of your work (as a lurker up until now).

I've come to the conclusion that working for someone else is for the birds and office environments simply are not for me. It seems entrepreneurship is just about my only option in life, probably not unlike many of the artists here on the forums!

Aside from stints of conventional unemployment to make sure my mortgage gets paid and I've got groceries, I've been spending my free time for the last few years researching and contemplating various ventures. I've never attempted an entrepreneurial endeavour but I feel it is my destiny.

Trying to create something from nothing is challenging in many ways, and I'm not ready to rush out and do that just yet but I am laying the ground work. I have recently registered a numbered company to operate under once I can pin down which direction I will head.

I anticipate there will be a number of steps along the way, (crawling before walking) as well as several companies or businesses. I am coming to you now in hopes of establishing a long an mutually beneficial relationship with some of the artists on this forum.

I've got several ideas in mind which I would love to see sketched out beyond my scratch ideas in Microsoft Paint. I'm hoping in the coming years I can come to a trusted network here at Photoshop Gurus for my graphical needs (logos, business cards, letter head, website design, graphics, trade marks etc.)

Without further ado, I'll get posting! Thanks for having me and for creating such a wonderful network of talented artists.
Welcome. It's always great to meet someone that's ambitious yet knows how challenging the future can be. I'd be interested to see your Ms paint sketches :-)
Thanks RT!

Many challenges lie ahead, that's the nature of the game! I'm under no disillusions as to what awaits me down the entrepreneurial road. I've got a pretty clear vision, coming up with the ideas and creative direction was never a problem it's more about transferring the images from my minds eye to digital/print. I'm a left-brainer all the way... Creativity yes (to some degree), artistic ability no.

That is indeed why I have arrived here. I'm acutely aware of the differences between the right and left brainers and I appreciate the value in the artistic side of things, equally as much as I'm aware of my artistic limitations! I'm hoping this site will provide the tools to network effectively with the 'other side' in a mutually beneficial relationship!

Since I keep referring to right and left brainers, I should qualify those terms... I think it would be particularly interesting to this audience. Check out a book by Daniel Pink called; A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future. I had posted a link to Amazon but apparently I'm too new. JFGI... (Google it!).

Looking forward to being a part of this community!
Pff, I guess we all know about the right-left brains, even to the extend of nostrils. (though few may have heard of that) (QI)
Left here myself (with a study of theoretical physics and astronomy)
But with the photoshop skills to convert paint into graphics :P
Well I am sure you will find someone here for every aspect of design logo, graphics, animation, and web design Good luck.
Thanks Paul!

Chrisix, I'm looking up the nostril thing now!

Thanks Hoogle! do you have an email I can contact you at?
