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Can you redo this image? Same format

In order to re-produce this image that large, it would need to be completely re-created as a vector so as to not be resolution dependent. For me, there is way too much work here to do for free. You may want to consider using our Freelance section which is not free.
Here are the original files. Thanks

If you wanna remake this. Its ok

But the only thing that u will not remove are this pictuers and the texts
A few things immediately spring to mind on this one...

1. The question: "Can you redo this image?"
I'm sure there are many members that could answer 'yes' to that.

2. "Same format".
Doesn't really make much sense to be honest.

3. "Size is: 6ft x 4ft"
This doesn't really make sense either.....Size IS 6ft x 4ft ..... what is? What is 6ft x 4ft? And why is that relevant?

4. Simply, why?
Why does the image need to be re-done?

The question is too vague and the info too ambiguous to really understand what the actual question is...and for what purpose.

A simple outline of what you are trying to achieve would be far more useful for people to make a decision on whether this is something they would like to help you with.

1. Redo this image / Same format of the text
Meaning with different background different font style. But the text and Logo and the picture of the girl is the same.
2. 6ft x 4 ft is the tarpaulin that this image will be printed on. If the file of the picture is too small i think it will be pixelated
3. It is needed to be redone cause im not really confident with my work and i want better cause this is very important :P
4. it is for demonstration teacher.
5. so here is my final work. Thanks alot


  • zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.jpg
    421.3 KB · Views: 3
Last edited:
Hmmmm.....thats a lot better, at least now members know what is required...but...

...there are still some issues.

1. The size:
Fine, the image is going to be used for printing on a canvas of those dimensions....great, but stating the resolution of the image you require would be better so that the pixel dimensions can be calculated accordingly.

Your original image could easily be printed to those dimensions, (@ 9.7dpi), which as you quite rightly say may not be enough....so what would be enough? What dpi do you require for printing?

2. The image:
The image has now changed!
You mention "same format" to relate to the text but your last image is in a different 'format' from the original.
Kind of makes it difficult to keep the same 'format' if it keeps changing.

Sort those things out and post it in the 'freelance' section with all this new information and you should have a much better chance of someone accepting the job.

