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Specific Can you change the background from white to black?


Hi everyone,

Could someone change the background color from white to black? Will still need to retain the same file size and image quality.

Thanks a million!

HS 2-06-21.jpg
I was struggling with this when @Babine posted. The stray hairs were frustrating me.
Finally filled in the hair, erased the white background, and then filled it with a textured black background.

portrait black background edited.jpg
Tried that but couldn't escape the ghostly image between the thin parts of the hair. The Refine Hair and Refine Edge just weren't working for me...frustrating...

Agreed. I used a curve's adjustment layer and then used the mask to darken the outer 'halo' . I also added more detail by cloning from the adjacent hair.
@JeffK, after I performed the Refine Edge, I duplicated the photo. I decreased the opacity of Layer 1 to 45% (It depends on the result for you). This time, the outer strands of the hair became less visible on that particular layer. Then I applied brush on the Layer 2 mask with an opacity of 5% (This is good for me). I applied it to the outer hair.

Change Background to Black.PNG
@JeffK, after I performed the Refine Edge, I duplicated the photo. I decreased the opacity of Layer 1 to 45% (It depends on the result for you). This time, the outer strands of the hair became less visible on that particular layer. Then I applied brush on the Layer 2 mask with an opacity of 5% (This is good for me). I applied it to the outer hair.

View attachment 125298
Thanks for insights, Gene! Will take another try using this method. :)
I had the same probem as you're all describing. No matter how good my initial mask was, there was still a halo effect on the outer edge of the hair. I eventually gave up and darkened the halo with a Levels adjustment, and I also drew my own strands of hair, which mostly get lost in the black background.

Masking hair was never my strength. One work-around that I've developed is that I have a collection of numerous hairstyles on plain white or gray backgrounds. I'll sometimes import them into my edits, with a blend mode of multiply or overlay, to simulate the wispy edges of the hair.
