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can this be done????

hello every one this is my first post here and i'm glan that i have joined this forum iam hoping to lear so much stuff about photoshop..I have a question about photoshop or you can say my question is really about an eps file...i have downloaded a bunch of eps files which are business cards and i want to write on them the names and adresses and stuff but it has already written all over them so i opened it with photo shop but i can not change the writings on them so is there a soultion to erase the original writing and write new stuff on them but i don't want to use the clone tool in photoshop is there any other way??

thank you
That question requires the photos to be seen to determine what needs to be done, I am sure the clone tool could help but there are other way of doing it I would hesitate to say which one to use, site unseen
