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Can someone try to help me do this?


I'm trying to make a multicolor outerglow around the guy in this image


the only part I don't know how to do is add outglow to the guy...i can do the multicolor part once I can get an outerglow. I'm guessing I have to select the perimeter of the guy for the outerglow to know where to go but when i do that and save it as a channel, i get lost on what to do next. thanx for the help

btw, the multicolor outerglow effect I'm talking about is in PS7 down and dirty book which does it nicely with text but not images
not sure if this is what you want but try layer/layer style/outerglow
instead of using a colour use a gradient
An alternative and effective option is to:
Remove the subject from your background and put him on a separate layer.
Create a new layer, CTRL/click on your "subject layer" in the layer palette and expand your selection by as many pixels as you want. (Select/Modify/Expland) You now have the "marching ants" (indicating your selection) on your screen and you have your new layer active.
Fill your selection with a "rainbow" (radial) gradient.
Move this filled layer under your subject layer.
Give it a nice "gaussian blur' et "voila".
