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Can I Make This Easier???


New Member
Been using photoshop CS4 for a few months . . . . . .

I've been given the attached image by my mother-in-law, it is her friends 50th birthday and would like me to replace with a new york background.

My problem is in the selection, I've tried playing with the to turn things to black but all the colours are too close to each other.

I could sit and mask the picture manually but I do not want to lose any of the detail in the hair and in the fascinator . . . . .

I look forward to your advice.

Many Thanks
Use channels although if that's the best quaity you have,it going to be very tough to maintain detail
Make a snapshot of your image (In the History panel, click the little down arrow next to the list icon), select that snapshot. Go to Filter > Extract, draw around the lady, then ok that. Now with the history brush, paint in the detail that is missing and use the eraser for things you want to remove.

Channels is the best way to do this, but it is too complex for a newbie.
