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Can I load ALL photoshop brushes?


New Member

I've just really started getting into using brushes and I'm having a lot of fun finding and using them, but I'm wondering if I can load them ALL into Photoshop at once instead of one at a time? If so, how?

Also, is there an easy way to get rid of duplicate brushes?

The best way to import brushes is the Preset Manager (edit/preset manager).
There is no easy way to get rid of similar brushes other then selecting them in the preset manager and clicking on delete. You can however select multiple brushes at the same time by using shift (to select a group of brushes) or control (command key on the Mac) to select multiple random brushes.
You will also find your system slowing down a LOT if you try to load too many brushes. I believe the max limit is about 500...
MsOz said:
You will also find your system slowing down a LOT if you try to load too many brushes.
I don't see how hundreds of brushes can slow down your computer, all they do is take up memory and unless you have brushes based on large images you won't see a lot of memory use either. Of course I could be wrong.
What will usually slow down considerably is the load time of Photoshop when you have too many of just about any kind of preset.
