@Worldwide ... - The image you posted has what most people would consider a couple of major flaws: (a) The heavy vignetting, as well as well as (b) an overall cyan cast. Although there is a small chance it could have come out of an old camera looking like this, my guess is that someone processed a fairly normal looking image with something like Instagram to get it to look like this.
To change some of the colors in this image, it would be much easier if we could work with the completely unprocessed image, and then, if, by any chance you actually do want these effects, re-apply them after the color of the shirt is changed. Working on this version is likely to take more time on our part and not produce really high quality results.
Unless you are willing to accept simple or low quality results, without a better version of the image to work with, or a real incentive to work with this particular image (eg, the subject just died and this is the last photo of him ever taken... or if you had posted this in the fee-for-service section) personally, I wouldn't be inclined to to work on this image. Others may feel different, but I suspect that many of the regulars here will feel the way I do.
Also, when you say, "colors that match", you need to be more specific. Do you want the entire shirt to become one color, or do you just want to change some of the colors in the plaid, or something else? What would you like the new colors to match? How about some actual color suggestions. etc. etc.
Tom M