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Burn Tool in CS2/CS3?


New Member
I've got a quick question for you guys, and ANY help would be greatly appreciated :)

I'm beginning to use Photoshop for the first time, and through my school I've acquired CS2. I've been playing around, but one thing that I don't understand is the Burn tool. What is it, and what does it do for an image?

In my Digital Media Essentials class we're starting our Photoshop unit and for an extra credit assignment we're required to ask a question on a user support forum and turn in some of the feedback we get, so any help would be greatly appreciated :)

Thanks in advance guys
Pretty much what Lucifer said...

And I am in school as well, learning the ropes of photoshop for digital photography. It seems the dodge and burn tools are similar to the same techniques in the darkroom. If an image is a little blown out or to light in a particular area, burning that area will darken it up. Same for dodging, lightening an area that may be a bit to dark. I find it a bit easier in photoshop though, than all you have to do in a darkroom. Just thought I would toss my 2 cents in, since you were looking for responses. B7
