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Brushes don't work correctly

C. Bronson

New Member

I can't find brush like this in my presets (http: pokazywarka.pl/kyi9gp/). All brushes are solid lines.
Preset reset and default setting doesn't help.
Do you have some idea how to get this kind of brush?
Thx for reply!
i dont know which brush you are talking about but if you are talking about a black wave like picture on the website you mentioned than i dont think that is a brush. If thats what you want let me know i think i know how it is done.
Yes, I want to get brush like this on picture. This is one of basic brushes, and I saw it many times. I don't know why but I can't find it anymore. I tried in many ways to get this one. I will be very grateful for help in setting parameters of brush or even export preset. Im pasting one more picture of brush
(http: pokazywarka.pl/3441no/)
Thx Abdul for your time!
The brush strokes in the brush panel which are similar to the picture are not exactly brushes or maybe i have not seen it yet.

Any ways another way of doing it is create a new layer use the normal brush (soft edge) to create the wave like shape you want. create a layer mask for that layer and now select the gradient tool, select the radial gradient (black to transparent) and draw a gradient on the mask now keep the mask selected and press ctrl+i to invert the gradient.

a picture of what i did

if you can't draw a smooth wave you can use the pen tool to draw a wave, while the pen tool is selected right click anywhere on the drawing area and a menu will open select stroke path option. a dialog box will appear choose brush from the drop down menu and click ok to get a smooth wave press escape twice to get rid of the path.
Thx for your help Abdul. In meanwhile in found real source of my problem. Brush that I presentet is normal brush with shape dynamics and pen pressure control. Some time Photoshop don't recognize my tablet - Pentagram p2700 and shape dynamics isn't work correctly. I don't find solution on this jet and I i must to reset computer until it will star working again.
1 / I do what AbdulW87

2 / Go and save the format brush

Thus, the brush, God willing,

Try it possible that they serve
