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Brush Tools in CS4 have Stopped Working


New Member
For a while, this problem was intermittent. Clone, Healing, History, Paint, Eraser, and Dodging brushes spontaneously (and not in response to any apparent action) stopped working, but after closing the program and restarting the computer, became functional again. Now, they've stopped working and neither closing and reopening Photoshop nor restarting the computer solves the problem. I've deleted my preferences file, but that hasn't brought the brushes back to life either. Adobe tech support (which in the past has been responsive and helpful but now seems nearly worthless) referred me to a download called "Clean Script CS4," but I'm hesitant to try this for two reasons: 1.) it is represented on the Adobe website as a solution to installation problems (and my problem isn't with installation), and 2.) it entails uninstalling and reinstalling Photoshop. Does anyone have insights into the problem of inoperative brushes?
Check your Ram (memory)
that's first thing that comes to mind
Brush tools in CS4 have stopped working

Thanks for the suggestion. In fact, I am constantly running up against this problem, since my computer dedicated to photography--an otherwise perfectly fine Sony Vaio desktop--is plagued with the pointless division of memory into C and D drives. I've got Photoshop installed on the D drive (which has most of the space) and have designated that for my default scratch disks as well. Low memory on the C drive could nevertheless be the problem (I haven't yet had a chance to get over to my studio to test it), although in the past when low RAM memory has reared its head, Photoshop has generated a warning message informing of the problem.
Good luck, CS4 requires lots of memory, it frustrates lots of users....but you can't beat it!
Brush tools in CS4 have stopped working

I've now discovered another fact which may be relevant to my problem with the brushes. For some reason, any image opened in Photoshop CS4 opens with its background (i.e.initial) layer locked. That may be why the tools don't work. I can't see any way to unlock the layer or to open an image with the layer unlocked to begin with. Does anyone have a quick fix?
right click the lock on layers window >select layer from background
Brush tools working again

I stumbled on the solution to my problem. It was a mix of dumb luck and educated hunting and pecking. Because resetting my preferences (Adobe tech support's initial suggestion) resulted in restoring the annoying preview feature added to CS4's version of the clone tool, I went to window>clone source to uncheck the default "overlay." On that small window, out of idle curiosity, I clicked on the "brushes" tab, and found that everything there was greyed out. By sheer chance, when the cursor happened to be on the small icon in the upper right-hand corner of the window, (urged by I know not which guiding angel) I clicked and presto! a menu appeared among whose items, staring me in the face, was "reset all locked settings." That did it. Everything is back to normal, and I am a happy man once more.

In light of this simple fix, it is incredible to me that Adobe's "tech support" wouldn't have led me to this simple solution immediately, and urged me instead to uninstall Photoshop, run two different cleaning programs, and then reinstall Photoshop. I can only conclude that the people they have manning the tech support lines don't actually know the program.
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Re: Brush tools working again

I stumbled on the solution to my problem. It was a mix of dumb luck and educated hunting and pecking. Because resetting my preferences (Adobe tech support's initial suggestion) resulted in restoring the annoying preview feature added to CS4's version of the clone tool, I went to window>clone source to uncheck the default "overlay." On that small window, out of idle curiosity, I clicked on the "brushes" tab, and found that everything there was greyed out. By sheer chance, when the cursor happened to be on the small icon in the upper right-hand corner of the window, (urged by I know not which guiding angel) I clicked and presto! a menu appeared among whose items, staring me in the face, was "reset all locked settings." That did it. Everything is back to normal, and I am a happy man once more.

In light of this simple fix, it is incredible to me that Adobe's "tech support" wouldn't have led me to this simple solution immediately, and urged me instead to uninstall Photoshop, run two different cleaning programs, and then reinstall Photoshop. I can only conclude that the people they have manning the tech support lines don't actually know the program.

This absolutely works. I realize this is an ancient thread, but for anyone Google-ing this problem and subsequently finding this post, I just tried this solution on a PC laptop running Photoshop CS4 and can confirm that opening the Brushes palette, going to the prefs roll-down on the upper right and resetting all locked works. Nice of the user to post the solution!
