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Brush tool, circle turns to cross-hair!


New Member
Hi all,

I have an issue - sometimes.
When working on some photos, I use the brush tool to 'roughly' draw round objects. When working in intricate details (from 1 to 5 pixel detail), I find the circle pionter a lot more useful as it shows me exactly where the edges are.

Sometimes for no reason when working with the brush tool and selecting another tool, doing something else, then reverting back to the brush, the circle changes to the cross hair.

I cannot find a way to choose the circle and have no idea why it changes. The only way to fix the problem is to save my work and restart my computer and continue after that. But then the same thing happens.
I'm sure there is an easy way to sort it, but I don't know it.
I have cs4 running on windows if that helps in anyway.

Thanks for advice.
This happens to me sometimes in version 7, right in the middle of a project. The only way I've found to fix it temporarily is to change the settings in Edit/Preferences/Display & Cursors. This sometimes means changing them to the opposite setting of the one I want, i.e. Precise instead of Brush Size. After a while it changes itself back and I then have to adjust the preferences again.

Seems to be a design fault or glitch.
simple solution

I kicked myself in the face when I found out the simple solution to this.... because it irritated the mess out of me for so long.

turn off your caps lock. Caps lock key toggles crosshair mode.
caps lock, TAB and like every other function key, its really messes with photoshop

in the CS versions versions, you can disable shortcut keys. probably something to look into.
