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Brown, gold and bronze tones


Hi there

This may not be specifically a Ps question, it might relate to actual filters fitted on the camera, but this is a technique I would like to grasp.

I would like to add this colour effect (without it looking rubbish). I have tried the Photo Filters in Ps, but none seem to work for me. I might be going about it the wrong way tho.

If this is Ps, what do I do? If this is a actual fitted filter, what would it most likely to be?

Images as an example (courtesy of Flickr folk)

1. today is gone on Flickr - Photo Sharing! Jorge_E
2. on Flickr - Photo Sharing! Pablo Ramil (same but HDR?)
3. Landscape Muiden on Flickr - Photo Sharing! (Ivan Maigua, who may ne using Alien Skin Exposure 2 plug in.

Any help regarding this (esp image 1) would be erm.. a great help. Thank you.


thanx mate my brother had a problem regarding this , i will ask him to contact you please help him with this problem .
