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Blizzardcraft - Custom logo Help.

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Well-Known Member
Hey guys, If you know of Minecraft, Well im was talking to an admin and have decided to help out the Owner on his forum :D.

He is after a new Logo the Current logo is "Blizzardcraft" Current one ~ Plain White Original boring writing. He wants to jaz it up. Dosent have to be crazy, But would really appreciated it if you guys/girls could help.
If you decided to help He said Please dont go Smaller then 320x72. I have tried But did not make anygood ones.
I was thinking the Minecraft Font But saying Blizzardcraft i know its possible, But i dont know how? Also if you help, Could you maybe post some Transparent one as well as background one's as im not choosing them, I dont know if he likes them intill he see's them, The background on the forum is blue BTW.

Any Help is very appreciated, Be crazy! Every single logo will be looked at im not wasting time! He's after a new fresh logo "Blizzardcraft" Thanks!

Other post was in wrong section
Ok so i want it 3D, Maybe Some Colours Differnt backgroudn would be lovely i dont have photoshop so im limited, Minecon is what i mean by 3D, roughly like that Blizzardcraft is what im working on, Im new to editing to, Just trying :(

I need alot of help, Smoothing making it look clean, 3D , Colours , Background. I cant acess youtube or nothing to see how to do it without photoshop please help :)


  • minecraft alfabet try 2.jpg
    minecraft alfabet try 2.jpg
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  • minecraft alfabet.jpg
    minecraft alfabet.jpg
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  • MINECON.jpg
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Please help..... I wouldnt be begging for help, But i dont have photoshop :'( am i posting in the wrong section, Im starting to think so :(
Putting it to paid session would for sure help, but be patient, working hours in Europe, night in America.

BTW I find these fonts hard to read.
Thanks for the reply, Yer im not trying to be rude. Sorry i will wait patiently (since im not prepaid to pay) Yer thats true, Differnt hours im in Australia :D

Oh really :( well i can understand in a way since i made them and knew what they said, Made it eaiser to understand. Though i found the Z still a bit confusing. Yer the MINCON one how i want my blizzardcraft one, Someone on this forum really kind made it for me :D so Idk how to do it like that lol. It good though
Impatient and rude is a huge difference, do not worry about it.

What I meant by hard to read is, normally you just fly over the text with your eyes and you read the text without focusing on particular characters what do they represent in order to put the word together. I had to do it here, since they are not "self decoding". I am not sure whether this is intent. Check for example the red "A" in leave. If you put it separate, do you think people will recognise this shape is a letter. Just explaining what I mean especially after you wrote their previous logo was very simple, I would be afraid of too harsh change they woul not like.
Yer i get what you mean by scan over they words and still understanding what the represent/say, And i do understand where you'r coming from, Now i think of it, No its the whole word which makes it Understandable. Like what you said Each letter by them self (Eg. A) Is not readable by itself :D.

I remember who made the Minecon Logo it was Hoogle (mod). I love it, Im not changing that i wanted My blizzardcraft (the crappy one :P) To look similar to the one hoogle made for me (minecon) Im not experienced and dont have the programs needed ATM

Sorry if im hard to understand or talk to much.
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