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Blending baby's face with the one of Maggy?

It would be great if you have a picture of the baby facing in the same direction as Maggy (or opposite)
It would be great if you have a picture of the baby facing in the same direction as Maggy (or opposite)

That's the unfortunate thing - no, i don't have. Got the picture from a friend and she said she would like that one to be used.

I was thinking by eliminating Maggy's eyes, mouth and everything, add one curl to left and then blend the face; as if the head points towards you.
there are tons of pictures of the simpson girl on the web find one to mach the real girls angle, or does it need to be that one?
She picked that one, yes. But if anyone's got a better idea, please be my guest and contribute. Would be really appreciated.
You can't get good results with poor images, it also doesn't motivate the experienced Photoshop users who consider to do this for free. In plain English; it takes two efforts, yours and ours.

Find images (that have NO copyrights!):

a) that are larger
b) with the right angle
c) good quality
