Delta144 welcome to the forums
I was trying to recreate something similar using the images you posted and this is what i got so far
1 Using color overlay to turn the image a little blue tinted i used this "#003366"
2 add some uniform noise whit low opacity
3 create 3 new layers, first start painting one of the layers whit orange "whit a low opacity brush" wherever you want the color focus to be then change the mode to overlay
4 do the same whit the other 2 layers left, but instead of orange use red and yellow respectively "blending mode overlay"
5 here's where the magic begins, to give it the cartoony look i used a PS filter called
Topaz Clean 3 you can download the trial version to test it out,
Play whit settings until you get something that you like.
6 Lastly made some color correction and sharpening, plus some dodge and burn to define highlights and shadows,
Hope this Helps
Good Luck