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Black and white with color effect?


New Member
Hi everyone,

I have a question about a photoshop effect that I have seen a long time ago, which I really liked, but I don't know what's the specific name for that effect is. I saw a photo with a person in it, holding a flower. The entire picture was black and white, but the flower that person was holding was blue in color. Similar one that I seen some time was a photo of some lady; it was black and white, too, but only her lips were pink.

Does anyone know what I am talking about? If so, can you tell me what that effect is called? And also can you guys guide me to a tutorial of that nature?

Thanks for your help! :)
Add a Hue&Saturation adjustment layer on top, reduce saturation, add mask.
Add any other adjustment layer on top that allows you to change color to adjust the color of the flower (only if preferred).
Gaussian said:
Add a Hue&Saturation adjustment layer on top, reduce saturation, add mask.
Add any other adjustment layer on top that allows you to change color to adjust the color of the flower (only if preferred).

Excellent, that's the one I am looking for. ^^ But could you tell me how to add a mask?

I am new to photoshop, sorry >.<
Basically it's me saying: "Don't try to build a house when you don't know how to handle a hammer and nails". :)
