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Black and White from Photoshop cs4 to cs2


i use black and white command very often in photoshop but now i have only photoshop cs2 version and this command i available only in cs4

so how can use this command in cs2 i mean is there any way to show this command in cs2

i use black and white command very often in photoshop but now i have only photoshop cs2 version and this command i available only in cs4

so how can use this command in cs2 i mean is there any way to show this command in cs2


you say you use it all the time, but want it in CS2 not sure I understand your question.
Are you saying you can't open a file saved in CS4 in CS2?

In CS4 go to File Handling|File Compatibility and locate "Maximize PSD file compatibility" and select Always.
Re-save the B&W image and see if you can open it in CS2.

If that's not what you're asking then I don't understand what your asking.
