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3D Bent, bowed or arced type?

Patrick Barr

New Member
Sorry for the crude thumbnails but I am trying to bow or bend 3D type or objects in Photoshop cs6 Extended like the following thumbnail. Is there a way to do this or am I barking up the wrong tree?


Thanks in advance
Hi Patrick,

The answer to your question is yes, this can be done in Ps CS6. This is a image I made awhile back.

The problem is that I can't find the tutorial that I used to help me make this image! But I'm looking hard! If I remember correctly, it was very involved but not that difficult. I will post the link if and when I find it! Sorry!
Hey Patrick,

I still think there is another tutorial that I haven't found yet, but these two definitely contributed! I used techniques that I gleaned from these tutorials to help with creating the bowed 3D text.


TUTORIAL 2 has nothing to do with text, but I just substituted in my 3D text.

I will re-examine my psd but it won't reveal much about how I arrived at the final product. I will keep looking for the other tutorial.
