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Be part of Bookperhead.com forums new NBA photoshop contest!


New Member
Are you fond of photoshop and the NBA? Well, Bookperhead.com gives you the oportunity of combining these two and welcomes you to the ?NBA Photoshop / Paint photo contest? which is being held at our forums.

What you need to do? It?s quite simple, visit our forums, sign in, make at least 5 posts with real content, then visit the contest section, pick your favorite photo to re-arrange, once you have worked out your piece of art, post it to the forums and read the Contest Rules for a more clear explanation on what else you need to do and that?s it! You are in.

If we pick you up as the winner, you will be getting a total of $200 in cash and $100 in NBA collectibles.

So go on! Bookperhead.com is your door to get noticed among other photoshop aficionados and win some good prizes along the way! Good luck!

For more information

NBA Photoshop Contest
