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Batch resizing question


New Member
Ok, the time has come for me to ask for help from the gurus!!

I have a specific question regarding batch resizing of images, and
here's some background info:

I am using PS CS2 version 9. I have 1000's of small (approx 30x60)
.BMP's i want to slim down by a few pixels on the the width of each
Now, when resizing an image you have the option to resize by
pixels (specific to the image) or by %. I need to use the
% option as i always want to scale the width down to 92% and
some images vary in size slightly. Also i should mention i use
nearest neighbour interpolation method as i can't have any anti-aliasing.

The problem here is that if the image had an even or odd number of width
pixels originally, it needs to stay even or odd after resizing.

So, for example: i resize a 27 pixel width image down to 92% of its original size.
This will result in an image that is 24 pixels wide - and this is no good.
I need a way to restrict the resize operation to shaving 1 or 2 pixels off each
of the image - so as to ALWAYS maintain the odd or even width.

So my question is - does anyone know of any way i can maintain this restriction?
Maybe even to the point of using another program or version of PS??
