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Batch Resizing Help!!


New Member
Hey guys, I'm using CS6 and I'm pretty inexperienced with it at the moment. I'm trying to re-size a large amount of images into sizes that will print 16x20 inch, 4x6 inch, 13x19 inch, a couple other sizes as well. My main question is how would I go about doing this exactly.

I'm looking for a step by step breakdown if possible and I would really appreciate any form of help. Also need to know how to batch them together or make a script (not sure what the proper term is) so that I don't have to go through them all and do it 1 by 1.

Once again, I have large images saved on my computer that i want to re-size to fit paper that i will print and it ranges from 16x20 inch to 4x6 inch. Maintaining image quality is also very important..

make a copy of your files into separate folder.
make a copy of one of them somewhere else and open it in ps.
if not visible go to window show actions
there is a little icon on the bottom of the actions window that says new
now do your desired interventions on the photo then save and close it.
hit stop record button
now goto file automate batch
your most recent action created is already highligthed
choose your folder hir run.
i never use uppercase but here i have to stress BE CAREFUL using actions and always do it on the separate copy of your image data as there is no undo here.
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Thx for your help IBIS, im having a little trouble understanding what to do due to the fact that I'm very new to CS6.

I thought if I added some details you might be able to help me out a little bit better.

The pictures I have are large images that I got off of google, I am trying to resize these images so that they will fit into specific sizes for print. I want to have separate folders of my images in sizes 4x6 , 5x7 , 8x10 , 8 1/2x11 , 13x19 , 16x20 , and 17x22.

How would I go about doing this on CS6? I'm looking for a simple step by step breakdown. Thanks
first you have to make actions.
make copy of one of the images that you want to resize somewhere and open it in the ps.
if you don't have "actions" panel open at the right side of the screen-hit Alt+F9 to open it.
now there is tiny little icon on the bottom right of this panel called Make new action (second one from the right side)
click it and name your action 4x6 or whattever. hit Record.
now do your thing image-resize-insert 4x6 size (make uniform dpi like 300dpi).
here is the tricky part if your images are out of the proportion you may do the cropping of them to size or leave them sightly bigger or smaller than exact 4x6.
hit save hit close.
now, hit the stop button to stop recording action.
you can now goto file-automate-batch-then browse to your desired folder (your latest action that you have just created is already selected) and hit run.
it should do the thing.
in reference that your images size and proportion may vary you may try to conveniently combine two actions lets say first you batch resize then you batch crop down canvas to desired size to perfectly match your needs. this way you will loose some parts of the image of course.
