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Batch resize?


Well-Known Member
Can you do a batch resize of (58) images? I have a specific size in mind so the ?Web Photo Gallery? will not help. I didn't see the option under automate.. maybe I'm looking at the wrong thing...

Your help would be.. well... ahh, helpful. 8) :bustagut: :bustagut: ;)

Lol, I'm here but I dont exactly understand what you mean. sorry dude.

im trying to get what your about too,i think i know where your coming from ,have you thought about making a "droplet" cuz thats the only thing i can think of right now [honesty]
I'm not sure how to do that either....

All I want to do is resize these pics I have (58 in total) in one easy step rather than having to open, resize, save and so on. If you go under File/Automate/Web Photo Gallery... it resizes your images and saves them. I would use that but I don't like the size it is defaulted to.

I would like to be able to specify the width, height, and if possible the resolution of all 58 images in one simple step. I was just wondering if Photoshop was capable of doing something like this. And if not do you know of any shareware programs that will perform this process.


yeah this sounds to me like a droplet,basiclly a droplet is a template that you configure size,compression etc and you can set it up to save all the changes to your images in a particular folder,its easy but its technichal and i could be here all day the best thing to do is find a tut online on making droplets in photoshop there are good ones out there cuz thats how i learnt to do it.

But it is a droplet you want ok :righton: :)

but understand that you can specify the size you want but they eill all be that size ok,theres no way round that except for making another droplet.


^^^^^^^ try this
