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Batch importing layer into multiple files?


New Member
I cant figure out what I'm doing wrong. I'm trying to get an image to be the background on 30 odd seperate images. I keep getting things like "place" command not available when I use the batch.

I can do everthing manually but as soon as its automated it fails...

Can anybody help? I'm probably missing something very simple but I really need to get this done quickly.

means you want to merge 30 diff pic as a one pic and set a background? if yes there are lots of tools available to merge diff picture, you can use picasa.

Perhaps I haven't explained myself very well

I have 30 differant images and I want to give all of them the same background of an another image.

Leaving me with 30 images which are all differant but have exactly the same background.....

For example you could have a bunch of photos of differant people taken at odd times and odd places but they would all be, in the end, standing in front of the Eiffel Tower.......

I could do this manualy of course but as I have loads of these to do I want to automate the process...
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To automate the process use Variables and Data Sets. A little much to explain here, check the help files.
