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Basic Starting Help


Well i might be asking for too much but im a newbie and i need all the help i can get, so whoever helps that would be great

1. I've been wanting to Make avatar, signatures, cool backgrounds, text names, edit photos and etc of me and of my name and pictures of Cristiano Ronaldo

2. Could someone show me tutorials on how to do this, or tell me, or some me something that will help me...

3. Are there any cool addons that i should get or any other cool edit programs i should get

4. Tell me what main tools are and how t use them

5. Different ways of making a picture look and how to make it look better

6. Anything else i need to know

Thank you xD
I'm no PS expert, by any stretch of the imagination. However, if nobody else is going to answer your post, I'll give you my opinions. Photoshop has a fairly steep learning curve and is not something you will master over night. It has taken the gurus around here (unless they are some sort of genius) years to attain the skills they have. So, unless you are the afore mentioned genius, you won't be making professional looking graphics anytime soon. That's not to say that you can't make good graphics. If you take your time and research the techniques you need for a particular graphic, you can create some pretty good stuff with PS that is of better quality than a great deal of the stuff on the internet.

To answer your questions....
1) Wasn't a question.

2) There are tons of tutorials on the internet. There is no way anyone can tell you all there is to know. If you had a question about a certain technique, that would be different. However, you are asking for help on a wide variety of projects. A good resource to learn from is here The Russell Brown Show. Some are for expert users but lots for the newer users.

3) It depends on what you are trying to accomplish. There are lots of actions, styles and plugins available. All of them do things a bit different. Anyone can suggest one or more, but only you know if it suits your taste or design style. photoshop actions - Yahoo! Search Results - photoshop styles - Yahoo! Search Results - photoshop plugins - Yahoo! Search Results

4) I did a search on yahoo that returned these results photoshop tools tutorial - Yahoo! Search Results. Here is the first page that appeared. Photoshop’s Toolbox - Tutorial9

5) You can give the same photo to 1000 different people and they will all be different. Again, it all depends on the style of the artist. What looks good to you may not look good to another.

6) Read everything you can find. Do as many tutorials as you have time for. Don't skip over tutorials just because the final outcome isn't something you would be interested in doing. There are techniques to be learned that you won't find in other "non-boring" tutorials. Regardless of how dumb you think a question might be, never be afraid to ask it. There is no such thing as a dumb question. Only dumb people who don't ask.

Thanks heaps for helping me out really appreciate it Dave :)
Anyone got anything further to add, i need all help i can get xD
