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Band Logo Design

Joe West

New Member
Hey guys, I've been in a band for 8 months now and we don't have a logo yet. I'm sure I could whip something sh*t up in Paint, but I want it to look good if possible, could any of you guys try something that looks awesome?? The bands name is "Tomorrows Call"
You should call yourselves the -[CH2-C(CH3)=CH-CH2]n- band!
I think all bands should call themselves that, but they don't. :cry:
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When I think about tomorrow, I think about a sunrise :) maybe something inspirating? what sort of genre do you guys play? I don't have time now to make something up I'm sorry
Here are a couple ideas


This next one I adapted from another design I never used.


Now here's the thing.

You haven't even told us what kind of instruments there are, what music you play, what age range your audience is. Then it would help to know if you have color preferences, like a certain style of font, and so on. Artists like freedom of expression, but all too often when given it, the client then comes back and says, I'd like these six things changed ... and there were only 6 things to begin with.

So, a little more input please, and you may get a little more result.
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Hey guys. Sorry more info wasn't provided. The band plays metal/punk-rock, so something a little "hardcore" would be cool, perhaps purple or black?
I took another stab at it

EDIT: I posted the wrong one before.



  • bandlogo.jpg
    41.2 KB · Views: 37
I've been messing around with some stuff now, and I ended up with something completely different that I had in mind, but I kind of like this look :)! You wanted purple colours right? :P It just wouldn't look good with a grungy font though!

tomorrows call logo in progress.png
Here's the try with grunge:
grunge tomorrows call logo try try tryinmg.png
(font is free to use comercially)
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One more, then time to make dinner, corned beef, brussel sprouts, french fries, and homemade brownies. Dang . . . I feel like Pavlov's Dog.

I thought about putting everything inside a sunset ball. Not exactly original, but if you'd like to see it, let me know and I'll rearrange things.
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Pretty cool with the sun, perhaps the text would look better if it was a bit more wide (stretched out :D), or perhaps it's just me? :P Cool grunge though! (:

Omg nom nom nom, can I get a Brownie :D?
Haha I'm too young to make dinner myself! x)
Thanks Merlin. I think putting it all inside the sun shape (though not original) would solve the width issue, unless you mean thickness. In which case, there's transform and there's dafont.com!

So, Denmark, the brownie won't get there till tomorrow. Well, let's see, it's probably already tomorrow where you are. So, be patient!

So, has anybody noticed it's been two days since we heard from Joe? Maybe he moved on or he got one he liked and forgot to tell us or thank us. What will be will be, lol.
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