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Background layer will not unlock


New Member
I am not a newbie, but this seems like a newbie question, so here goes.

I'm using an HP scanner to upload a text document to Photoshop as a .jpg file. As I try to edit the doc, the background layer is locked and will not unlock. Here is what I tried:

Double-clicking Background layer does nothing.
Right-clicking Background layer shows all options are grey.
All options in the Layer tab are also grey.
Copying and pasting to a new document does not work.

Any ideas will be welcomed and appreciated!
Copy whole layer. Paste. Delete lower layer
Here is what I tried:

Double-clicking Background layer does nothing.

That wouldn't work if you use formats that don't support multiple layers, like Gif or if Photoshop is messed up. Since you claimed to be using Jpeg, I would like to advice you to reset Photoshop's preference file (hold ctrl+shift+alt when you start Photoshop)
