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Automatic perspective control


Well-Known Member
Can you please let me know how to automatically correct perspective with Photoshop CS6?

If possible, please send me step-by-step instructions, not merely a video as, at age 79, I find it difficult to memorize the steps on a video without a text accompanying it.

Thanks in advance for your help and patience.

Hi @JoeJ - have you got an example image that needs correcting?


I think your biggest problem is going to be automating the process - the likelihood is that all your images will need different amounts of correction.

It is very easy to do though.

With the image you supplied it is simply a case of going into free transform by pressing Ctrl + T and then right clicking and from the menu select perspective. Then drag one of the bottom corners outwards slightly.

If all of your pictures are distorted in exactly the same way and by the same amount you could set up a smart object. Which I can explain later.


Thanks again, and my apologies for this belated reply. At my age (79) there are often times when it takes me ages to decide to get on with some matter or other. I am sure you understand.
I have now gone back to your tip, but when I click the Ctrl button and the T key, I don't get a drop-down menu
carrying the word "perspective".
What am I doing wrong?

Renewed thanks and apologies.

Hi again JoeJ

Ctrl + T just enters you in to "Free Transform" mode. Once you have done that then right click on the selection to bring up the menu.


Good evening, and you will be pleased to know that your method has worked well.

I am a slowcoach, but at long last I was successful.

Grateful for your unstinted help, and I think you'll be glad to see the final result in the attachment.

JoeJEDWVII  letterbox final result.jpg
Well done - I am pleased you kept plugging away :thumbsup:


