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auto blend layers stack image option in Photoshop 3


New Member
I have several images in different layer in PS3 ( macro images with different points of focus).
I have aligned all layers ok, but when trying to blend the layer (all layers selected) using the auto blend layers tools, the tool does not give me the stacked images button.
Instead it launches straight into the process.
The results are not what I am expecting, each layer bar one has a totally black mask, and the image is not a blend of all the images.
All tutorials for the process using CS3 show a button for selecting "stack images" mine doesn't.
Am I doing something wrong?
Please help as I am going mad with it :wink:

  • :wink:

I'm not sure I fully understand what it is you are trying to do nor what it is you've already done.

I'm not aware of any 'Auto Blend Layers Tools', can you elaborate on what you mean by this?

Try and use the proper terminology for those of us that don't use CS3, not that its changed much but it helps regardless.

The only thing I can think of at the moment is the 'Stack' in a Smart Object but there is nothing 'auto' about changing the stack blend......is that what you're trying to do?...change the 'stack' mode of a Smart Object?

Ah.....Photomerge! (Thanks for clarifying colleague)

Try turning off 'Blend Images Together'......you won't get the masks then.


