Automatically reposition layers/files in a grid by name
I've got about a hundred sets of sliced up pictures. Sliced up into roughly 80 pieces. They've been cut up in a grid fashion and then named logically & numerically by column and row. And saved to individual jpgs.
Simple enough, I can just reposition them in the one file. But that is EXTREMELY time-consuming.
Unfortunately they're not cut up like a panorama shot would be, so Photoshop's photomerge doesn't work. Because there's no overlap in the images.
So, I was wondering if anyone knows of a program or script that I could use that would reposition these images inline and perfect.
I've got about a hundred sets of sliced up pictures. Sliced up into roughly 80 pieces. They've been cut up in a grid fashion and then named logically & numerically by column and row. And saved to individual jpgs.
Simple enough, I can just reposition them in the one file. But that is EXTREMELY time-consuming.
Unfortunately they're not cut up like a panorama shot would be, so Photoshop's photomerge doesn't work. Because there's no overlap in the images.
So, I was wondering if anyone knows of a program or script that I could use that would reposition these images inline and perfect.
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