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Arrange layers/files in a grid by name


New Member
Automatically reposition layers/files in a grid by name

I've got about a hundred sets of sliced up pictures. Sliced up into roughly 80 pieces. They've been cut up in a grid fashion and then named logically & numerically by column and row. And saved to individual jpgs.

Simple enough, I can just reposition them in the one file. But that is EXTREMELY time-consuming.

Unfortunately they're not cut up like a panorama shot would be, so Photoshop's photomerge doesn't work. Because there's no overlap in the images.

So, I was wondering if anyone knows of a program or script that I could use that would reposition these images inline and perfect.
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Glad you like it iDad. I have just updated the script so it now supports PNG files (with transparency) as well.
thanks, but unfortunately my files are named the wrong way around (in columns up & down)

so it doesnt work with mine unfortunately. and there's no way im goin to rename them all.
maybe thats a rigid constraint u could look at for future versions.

but. fortunately for me I found some help over at the Adobe forums, so if anyones in the bind i am in future, have a look.
Adobe Forums: Automatically reposition layers/files...
in the end I just used the Contact sheet option in Photoshop under File>Automate.

thanks anyway mate
I found Paul MR's script more useful than the Adobe Contact Sheet as it preserves the original size of the images (16x16 images in my case).

I tried to view the source of the script but its seems like a binary. What I would really like is to not only stitch the images, but also to automatically create slices with slice names being the same as the original image files. Would it be possible to add this option? I'm new to this and wouldn't mind trying to look into adding it myself but as I said I could not read the source.

I have never worked with slices myself but you are welcome to try to modify the script, I have now uploaded the non-binary version so please download it again.
