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Architecture - how to make this effect ?


Hi, I am a student of architecture, I have a problem maybe you guys can help me.
I tried a pen tool but this didnt give effects. How to make effect "car lights" like this :
Thank you for help, cheers
That is a photography effect guessing around a 5 second exposure and a car going by hence the rear light trails
This would be acheived by a DSLR with atleast 5-6 seconds exposure time. Use a tripod to mount the camera and you would see the RED TRAILS of the tail lamps of the car...
The longer exposure time allows more light to enter the camera.... the car doesnt emmit light and hence is not reflected in the long exposed images... the light trail is what it would show
Make the lines using the PEN tool.. then just Red color to it... and then under the Blending Options.. play aroung with the Outer glow and Stroke....

Here's an attached image... should give you a little idea.. though its not a perfect example however, should make the wheels turn a bit...


Awaiting more responses from other Senior members as well....

Cheers !!!
here is a response from a senior member lol. I dont know why it is needed but I agree pen tool then stroke bath in red add an outer glow.
Or there is a plugin that does light trails but cant think of the name for the life of me.

I also like taking the pics my self and have some that I just add to images and set the blending mode to screen so only the red or white light trails are visible then grab the warp tool to edit the shape a lot more time consuming than just grabbing the pen tool though.
change the spread to low and increase the spread in the glow settings.

and when you stroke the path with the brush tool check the simulate pressure will work better though with a graphics tablet ( damn now I sound like a certain banned member)
it is a ;ot better on a tripod so the surroundings are sharper and for best results do it just as it gets dark to the human eye but on a long exposure it will come up as a nice rich blue.

Also if you set your aperature to around f16 - f22 it will cause the street lights to have a nice starburst effect
Night photography has to be accompanied with a Tripod... you see the surroundings... they are blurred/shaken... but when your camera i mounted on a Tripod.. it is steady and the road/signs/buildings/railings would be sharp... the light trails would be more effective and eye catching....

I would see if I can have some time off my work at night and post an example.... Cheers.. !!
Not to derail your photography train but i think the OP wanted to know if this photography effect can be recreated in PS using PS tools and effects. Atleast thats what i thought :confused:.
Not to derail your photography train but i think the OP wanted to know if this photography effect can be recreated in PS using PS tools and effects. Atleast thats what i thought :confused:.

Oh Yes, absolutely... he did get the idea to do this on Photoshop (yours was best of the lot :thumbsup:)... but we were just discussing how to get this effect in real life... :mrgreen:
use the pen tool to makethe right lines you want then change the brush setting to the size you want to lines and the colour you want it ie. red then go back to your pen tool right click stroke path and check stymulate pressure and "bada bing bada boom" done! you could also add some layer effects like outer glow and stuff just to make it look that little better :)
