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Apparently I need 8 posts to ask for help here

I'll at least ask the question and then I can give more info afterwards. I have the master collection of CS4 and in the past few days have noticed that as soon as I open up PS it will crash within seconds of opening. I use AE as well as Encore and pretty much most of the collection with no issue. PS is the only one that crashes. I tried uninstalling and then re-installing just PS with no luck. Same issue. I'm working on a Windows 7 64 bit system w/ 8GB RAM the processor is a Intel Core 2 Quad CPU Q9550.
Soooooo. After all that, I just tried it one last time for the hell of it. It works fine. No issues at all. I did nothing more to fix it. I just opened it. Whatever. Thanks, anyway. Hopefully I won't be back here for a while :)
sounds like operator error to me,
beetle bailey computer maybe?
:) I would agree with the user error thing if I had actually been using my computer, but this all happened after I got back from Xmas break. My computer has all kinds of quirks, that's for sure, when it comes to Adobe software but this was strange. Thanks for answering me, though. Appreciate it.
Well one good thing came of it, you got your 8 posts .......LOL
See? This forum is so good, all you have to do is ask the question and WHOOSH your computer is fixed.
