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Anyone know how to create this bloated parallel text in Photoshop


New Member
Curve Text 1.PNGCurve Text 2.PNGcurve text 3.PNG

I am stuck. Does anyone know the technique for creating this type effect in Photoshop so that the text remains EDITABLE? Or is this achieved in Illustrator?

Thanks Guys.
inphotoshop, there is button Make warped text with couple of predefined styles.
coreldraw has got-fit text to path, option to do such kind of thing, with more creative freedom.
you may make it square, circle wave... almost any path.
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i havent tried it myself but i am guessing that you create a simple text box and fill it with text or symbols and then use the warp tool to create these effects
there are many ways to achieve that...Either use pen tool and create a spiral path then use the type tool..but the easiest way is to use the transform selections..
Here's my take.

First, I created the text within a shape (this example was in a heart shape to begin with) but I soon figured out that it was a waste of time because when I used warp it didn't really matter.

Here's how I would approach it in the future.

Place your subject within the canvas. Create a new layer and use your Pen tool (in Path mode) to define the boundary of text beside or around your subject. Select the type tool and enter your text. You may have to play with the justifications and spacing in the Paragraph and Font panels.

Once the text is in place, you must rasterize the text in order to warp it. So, as far as my limited knowledge of Photoshop is concerned, you can't apply the warp function without rasterizing and this of course makes the text un-editable. My only answer to this is to Command + J to copy the original text so you have a version to save for a later edit and then reapply the warp.

Warping the text. Select the the rastorized text layer then go to EDIT > TRANSFORM > WARP. Use the points and handles to warp the text to your liking.

Good luck!


  • DollText_01.jpg
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