Sam, whatever you did, it looks like exactly the desired outcome. Here's how I approached it:
1. Find a suitable image, preferably with white background.
2. Create a selection of the person only (i.e., without the background) and copy it to a new layer. Temporarily de-activate the original base layer.
3. Use a Threshold adjustment and clip it to that new layer. Adjust the threshold slider to taste (whatever shows as black will be converted to gold in the next step.)
4. Using the magic wand, select everything that's black. Make sure to uncheck the "contiguous" box.
5. With that selection active, create a new layer and fill with gold (or any other color). Use the Move tool to shift the gold layer to the right.
6. Re-activate the original image layer and de-activate all other layers except the new gold layer.
7. We want everything black in the original image to show through the gold. One way to do this is to set the blend mode of the gold layer to Darken.
8. As an optional step, you can put a mask on the gold layer and mask it out wherever you think it needs it.