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any of you gurus know


New Member
So I am uploading a pdf into a POD, createspace, using cs2 and the automate>multipdf ..keeps coming back as file to big...I have tried various things all have failed...I know the file is not to big cause when I had the trial of acrobat 9 pro it uploaded...yes yes I am being cheap...I have cs2 and it is rumored it works using cs2 and I have googled for anwsers for a month to no effect so I am hoping some genius has played this game before me. To downsample or not to downsample? is one question...of course the POD is absolutly no help...#astards...I am really a nice person...but my frustration is seeping out all over dis page...argh..
Sorry I'm not sure I follow...... you need help doing what exactly? Saving a PDF to a smaller file size?
