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Hi everyone,my name is mirek,polish chap living at the moment in UK,totally new to the photoshop.Trying to laern something from youtube but seems like them videos start in the middle without step by step instructions and going to fast and i just can't follow them.Already did something dont know what and dont how to fix it.:banghead:
I advise everyone starting PS to go to the library and find a book on any version of PS to learn the basics. The problem with tutorials is that most all assume you already know the basics, that's why it seems as if they start in the middle.
Good response hawkeye vodka but may I also add sometimes clicking experimentation is by far the best learning. I've learned so much that way but yes a book could never hurt
hawkeye I did.I got this book from brilliant series-"Photoshop CS3-what you need to know and how to do it",but there was no answer to my problem,anyway its solved now and l 'm happy again.
I'm sure the answer was in front of you in the book. Sometimes it takes doing this step in chapter a and adding another step from chapter b of the book. And sometimes it takes having 2 or 3 books as reference. You gotta take in mind the writers are of different experiences and know-how.

It's the usual case with tutorials in u-tube or other sites. The writer expects you know the basics. Which is why joining forums such as PSgurus helps. You may not have found the solution through experimentation, but someone in the forum may have experience with it.

There was a situation years back where-in a member experienced a problem... the entire forum tried to help out. It turned out it was a bug in the new PS4 that needed addressing to adobe.... oiii... that took sleepless nites... lol.... all for a bug. But the solution was found... REPORT TO ADOBE.
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