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Animation together with other layers


Power User
Hello: I am able to create an animated gif file. However I would like to create an advertisement with an animated slide show. I can make the slide show and I can make the ad with text and background etc. but I cannot do both together for some reason. Anyone know what I am doing wrong?
Is there an example of what you are trying to create, and and example of what you have done, so we know where you have gone wrong? Other wise we cannot help you. As Johnny 5 once said, 'need more input'.

Here is what I would like the final product to look like except I would like the picture in the center to change.

I have 3 layers for the text and one layer for the background color and six layers for the house pictures that I would like to animate for a slide show. When I try to animate, it takes every layer including the text and makes it a frame.

I was just thinking that maybe I have to make a full banner like above fore each house picture?
Have you got it in video time-line mode, or frame animation?

If you make it frame animation, you only need six frames, and starting with the first frame, choose which house is visible for each frame. You can enter frame animation mode when in 'motion' workspace, clicking on the icon that is three boxes close together, which is located near the bottom left part of the screen.

Remember to choose a length of time each frame will show for, or it will run through the frames really fast.
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My first problem is making the frames. I select the 6 layers then click on "make frames from layers". All layers become frames - even the text. I then delete the text and background frames. If I play the animation, it shows the houses move, but no background or text.
Johnny 5.................is alive.

Pup, when making the frames, only select the first frame you want in the gif. then hit Create Frame Animation, add a new frame, turn off the first one and turn on the second one, new frame turn off second one, turn on third, ..........and so on.
Stop deleting things from frames! You do want the text to show through the animation don't you? Go back to a point where you have every image you need for the animation, and one frame with everything on it, but the houses hidden. Create five new frames by clicking on the new frame icon 5 times. the icon is pointed out in the first screenshot. More instructions are beneath the image.


Now you can select the first frame and un-hide the house you want to appear in this frame. Select the second frame. Un-hide the house you want in this frame and hide the house you chose for the first. Now choose a length of time each frame is shown for, which is shown on the second screen shot.

When you have got it so then on each frame you have a different house, go to file, and then save for web.

This is the example I did in the screenshots.

Maybe one of my problems is that I use "Create frames from layers". That brings everything in. However to bring one layer in as a frame at a time - there is no create frame option. (cs5)
