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After Effects After Effects Beginner


Well Hello everybody, this is my first time here, and you'll be seeing plenty of me from now on and from seeing certain posts it seems theres alot of advanced after effects members here which is exactly what I need, now I started after effects around say 3 weeks back, all im doing at the moment are intro's and well judge for yourselves but I think Im improving, although I am looking for tips, help, advice? you see something wrong with my work, please!!! tell me.. I just want to learn this program to the absolute maximum any type of tips will help me reach my goal, I am going to post a few of my intro's below it'd be really appreciated if some of you could check them out and give me your opinions/views, Thank you for reading and hope to talk soon :)

There's many more on my channel as well, thanks for your time all.
fantastic. I don't do that after one year of After Effects and around 5 in video editing.
You must be in the editing field from some time.
thank you very much for your reply, it drives me to go forward I really appreciate it :), and well I dont have much experience to be honest, just alot of time on my hands so I watch alot of tutorials etc, Last year I used C4D for some time but due to personal life I had to stop using it, and now I have got into After Effects I LOVE!! it.. so im hoping to get alot better :) again thanks for the reply.
I would be carefull as 2 of your intros look very much similar to cinema 4d templates and finished in after effects for colour correction and optical flairs.

I like your Thraussi cinema 4d intro as well I remember following that tutorial a while back.
I would be carefull as 2 of your intros look very much similar to cinema 4d templates and finished in after effects for colour correction and optical flairs.

I like your Thraussi cinema 4d intro as well I remember following that tutorial a while back.

Hello mate I appreciate your post but I can assure you, I created all of these by myself, some of them I did watch tutorials so thats maybe why they look similar to certain ones online but now im getting to a point where im just playing with plugins and finding my own idea's
No you confused me with having links to 2 channels.

I thought I saw a thraussi template on 1 of your vids but then maybe it wasnt 1 of yours.

And Just to verify I never said you used templates I said be careful because they look like templates.

Even if you just upload videos from tutorials people will sy you copied it lol.
lol yes you are correct, i have had a couple of negative emails reguarding me following tutorials, which is my reasons why im trying to be much different now.. thanks for the advice and posting though again, its more than appreciated :)
Hey guys I have been creating my newest intro today hit a few brick walls as I was creating it but got there in the end :) the background image was just a simple wallpaper which I had colour corrected a little, hope you enjoy it, Im quiet happy with the final result...

Hey guys just created this intro today what do you think? out of all my intro's i must admit ithink this one is my favourite im quiet pleased with it, any other tips to add about it though will be appreciated :)

and another :) Its quiet different to what I usually do and took me hours lol even though itd take most of you probably minuites :banghead: but the result i quiet liked, what do you think?

The word PRESENTS moved sideways, was it supposed to?
Nice clean effects though.
