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After Effects AE vs Flash


Active Member
I don't use either one. I vaguely know how to use Flash, although have heard raves about AE. I want to have a moving spider on my website, in the title bar area and the rest of the site not be flash. Which one would be best to use? Can it be a standard html background with the spider in front of it? Or, does one create the entire title bar?

major newbie to this area
Down to your own preference and what you are referring to as title Bar.

there is nothing saying you cant make the image in video editing and convert it to a gif.

If you actually want it as an interactive flash banner you may be better off making it in flash and having a flash based header and menu bar etc.,

There is a 3rd Option that may be just as easy for you to use or even easier is to look at animating it via Adobe edge that way it will be auto converted to jquery/ java banner being more accessible than a flash banner as flash is not automatically installed on everyones computer.

as you can see many ways to do just 1 thing but the real question that needs to be asked what do you really want it to do if it is basically just to embed an animation at the top of the page that to me is wasted layout and loosing space to be advertising what that page should be advertising, (unless of course it is exactly what you are advertising )
Thanks Hoogle. It is actually what I am advertising...graphics and web design. I want a robot looking spider to drop in from the top of the screen and make a couple of small movements. Very simple, yet very appealing as an advertisement of what I can do. This has been my dream of what my site would look like since I started designing over 3 years ago, and I have yet to get it done. I have asked numerous people over the years about how to go about it and either I am not explaining correctly or they didn't know either.

I recently saw something similar, so I now know it's possible. I just need to get it done. I have the page designed and the place where I want my spider to sit, just need to figure out how to get her there.

I took flash in school and have veared away as the lack of flash viewers has dropped. Now I guess I need to go learn one of these other programs... Or find someone else to do it for me. :lol:

Thanks for the info. I'll look into Edge. Hadn't heard about that one yet.
