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Adjustment layers and sharpen


New Member
I want to start using adjustment layers. The trouble is after using adjustment layers I can't use the Smart Sharpen filter unless I flatten the layers. When I go to Smart Sharpen the preview is all White which I presume is the layer mask.
So how do I sharpen an image after using adjustment layers without flattening the image?

You don't have to flatten the image if you use CS4 (I believe it works in CS3 too). Just select all your layers in your layers palette, right click that selection in your layers palette and select "Convert To Smart Object". You can now sharpen this object without destroying any image data.

Personally I prefer a different method, because I don't like hiding my stuff in a smart object if I don't really have to.

What I always do is make a new empty layer at the top of my layers palette and press Ctrl+Shift+Alt+E (control+option+shift+E on the Mac). It's called "Merge visible", meaning that it will merge all visible layers onto that layer. I then sharpen that layer. Sharpening should always be the last step, so in this case it's a method that doesn't break proper workflow. It also avoids that you make a mistake by flattening all layers and saving by accident. ;)
Thanks JLBerry. I understand about merging visible to make a new layer on top, but then the adjustment layers have no effect on that new layer if you adjust them.


Thanks JLBerry. I understand about merging visible to make a new layer on top, but then the adjustment layers have no effect on that new layer if you adjust them.

Why do you think I gave you the smart object option? :rolleyes:

For me the merge visible works just fine, because unlike you I"m done in 99% of the cases when I finally decide to sharpen.

Of course, feel free to use the smart object method, but like I said, the reason why I don't use it is because I don't want to hide my whole layer structure into a smart object that I first need to open before I can make any changes and neither do I like having TWO windows open; one for the original PSD file and one for the smart object. But hey...if you can live with that, go ahead.

But be aware, there is NO other method than the smart object method to do exactly what you want.
