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Adding images to a background layer: newbie question


I am trying to create a layered image, and I've run into a very frustrating problem! I start by creating a new file with a background colour, then I open up an image I want to add -- but when I alt-click on the image to try to drag it into the background layer, it becomes a locked "index" layer itself! Also, if I create a new layer and then try dragging the image into that, it again becomes a locked "index" layer.
I don't remember running into this problem before -- and I can't figure out what I'd doing wrong.
Someone please help me!! [confused]
Is the image you're trying to drag a GIF? You can't directly drag a GIF into a PSD. First change the GIF image into an RGB image (image > mode > RGB color).

Welcome to the forums.
Welcome 8))

Confusing post. Can you be more specific about what you're doing, because I've never heard of a locked "index" layer and I don't understand why you're dragging with the Alt key down.
Yeah, the alt-dragging is unnecessary, but shouldn't hurt anything.

Gaussian ? if you have a GIF and try to drag into an RGB it will drag them snap back like it's locked. If you aren't familiar with this quirk in Photoshop, it can be highly confusing and aggravating and appear that the layer is locked.
MindBender said:
Gaussian ? if you have a GIF and try to drag into an RGB it will drag them snap back like it's locked.

Oh really?? :shocked: :P

The issue here is that he's talking about a locked "index" layer, that's something totally different than a stop sign cursor appearing.
Sorry, but I get a bit tired after all these years decrypting certain questions, so I ask to be more specific, nothing wrong with that I think.
There are lots of things that beginners could easily descibe much better, even without any understanding of Photoshop.
We only encourage people to continue with confusing questions if we continue to decrypt or make assumptions.

Just my 2 pennies.
I wasn't commenting because I thought you didn't know that indexes wouldn't move to PSDs, it was the latter half of my comment that I was simply trying to mention. No need to get defensive. :P

There are lots of things that beginners could easily descibe much better, even without any understanding of Photoshop.

Of course, but there are also weird-ass quirks in Photoshop and any complex software that often are hard for the new users to really formulate a properly phrased question. I guess I'm just used to trying to translate "new user" language into something answerable. I understand that you were asking for more information, and I probably should have left it at that and not spoken for them.

We only encourage people to continue with confusing questions if we continue to decrypt or make assumptions.

Only if we do the work for them. If we don't decrypt it, then how will they learn?
:) Thanks for your patience with my confusing newbie language! I was just trying to describe what was happening -- but obviously not very well!
Anyway -- yes, it is a Gif that I am trying to drag into an RGB, so it sounds like that is the problem. Strange, but everywhere I have looked in Photoshop books and tutorials, it doesn't warn you about this!
I'll report back if I'm still having problems -- but hopefully this new knowledge will fix it!
MindBender said:
Only if we do the work for them. If we don't decrypt it, then how will they learn?

I thought I just explained; it's called asking; A doesn't understand what B is saying so A asks for a clarification. Life can be so much simpler this way. :D
Gaussian said:
I thought I just explained; it's called asking

Yes, I was agreeing with your assessment and in fact rescinded my earlier comment. Just accept it graciously. :P

tonytysome said:
I'll report back if I'm still having problems -- but hopefully this new knowledge will fix it!

There's lots of little quirks here and there. That's what we're here for. :)
