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adding circles to image colour


New Member

Does anyone know a shortcut for my dilema, I have a B&W image (silhouette), I would like to add vector 2mm circles to the white area's only, I have tried to do this in coreldraw but it takes forever, I basically overlaid the circles on the image and deleted the circles on the black parts but it takes hours and is impractical on large images.

I'm sure there must be an easier solution, please see the screenshot below to illustrate what im trying to achieve.

Many thanks
Have you tried making a CIRCLE pattern?
Make your circle the exact size you want, then go to Edit/Define pattern.
name "2mm circle" then ok.
Now all you have to do is click the paint bucket, change the fill from foreground to pattern.
Click the pattern down arrow...Your new pattern will be the last one.

Now simply open a blank layer above the BW image and fill with the circle pattern. set the layer to darken or multiply. (see sample attached)
Hope that what you were looking for..

